Finding Optimal Compatible Set of Software Components Using Integer Linear Programming

Jakub Danek and Premek Brada

NTIS -- New Technologies for the Information Society, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitni 8, 306 14 Pilsen Czech Republic

This experiment verifies performance of the integer linear programming model used for selecting the optimal set of component satisfying given requirements.

Simulation Scenarios

Since the goal of the simulation was to provide data on the performance of the method, real interoperability of concrete library versions was not tested. Two variants of the simulation were performed to cover (1) cases in which there are multiple possible solutions and (2) the cases in which there is only a limited number of possible solutions in the searched space. In the first case all the versions of a particular library were considered as feasible (interoperable) solution, whereas in the second case the conditions had been set so that only a single version was feasible.

The simulation was run for each subset of the dependency list -- i.e. the goal was to find a solution for each library on its own, for each pair and for all three at once. This design was used to show the difference between scenarios in which a single library can provide all the required functionality and those in which a set of libraries must be used to satisfy all requirements.

To test behaviour when working with larger data sets, the simulation was run multiple times with 1, 10, 100 and 1000 magnifier arguments applied to both the number of available library versions and their reference count.

Source Data

The experiment is based on number of associations between lucene search engine and the libraries ant, ant-junit and junit. The input data are provided in form of a properties file per library. Its structure is:



Results files have the following structure:

    args=[list of all library combinations that were searched for]
    magnifiers=[list of all magnifier values used]
    split=[true|false] //if true, simulation data were generated so that there was only a single feasible solution in the data set

    //list of results for each scenario run follows
    (arg)-magnifier: <mean_value> <std_deviation> <split_value>

Source Code

The simulation code is written in Python 2.7 using Gurobi solver and its Python binding. The code is split into three modules:


Creative Commons License
Finding Optimal Compatible Set of Software Components Using Integer Linear Programming by Jakub Danek, Premek Brada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.